My first ever Humpday Confessions. I got shit to get off my chest so let's just jump right into it.
+It pisses me off to no end that I can't work at home. and I cry (not really...but complain, yes) about it regularly.
+Scenario: 6 stalls in the bathroom. I'm in the stall on the far left next to the wall. Some IDIOT walks in and goes in stall immediately to my right. W T F
+11 days till my vacation. I can't wait to get the heck out of this place (work)
+I'm kind of cursing myself that I said I would DIY gel manicure instead of treating myself to the salon. really though, i don't feel like spending the money, and mostly it's guilt because I got all new clothes for this vacation (I bargain shopped though!! that's got to count right?)
+I saw a buzzfeed article about the incoming freshman class this year, and how they will be the class of 2018. And that they probably have zero idea who/what all these 80's-90's things are.
+I really am becoming an introvert in my old age. Why is it so hard to small talk with people? I just can't.
+I secretly love that my recent photo on instagram got so many likes :) It made me feel good!
+Don't understand how such highly intelligent people have absolutely ZERO COMMON SENSE.
+I haven't gone food shopping in about 2 months and I really don't know how I come up with meals at this point. But it happens anyway!
+I wish it was noon so it would be acceptable to eat my tacos for lunch. I'm hungry.
+Speaking of tacos, I recently discovered fish tacos and they are AMAZING.
+I get extremely jealous when bloggers have the perfect gifs to go along with their blog posts. WHERE DO YOU FIND THEM. I SEARCH HOURS and find the same ones. EVERY TIME.
+Lastly, I kinda, sorta REALLY LOVE THIS LINK UP. Thanks Kathy!