Have you ever come across certain things on someone's blog that just irks the living daylights out of you? Of course you have. Have you ever reached out to the person to let them know? Of course you haven't, because that would be rude. And not nice. But have you dedicated an entire blog post to it? Oh you betchya!
So, without sounding like a broken record to the 800 blogs that have already posted about this, I give you:
please and thank you.
1. TURN OFF CAPTCHA. Word verification. Robot finder. WHAT EVER YOU WANT TO CALL IT. GET RID OF IT. OH MY GOD. Why in God's name do you have that shit on your blog posts? Really, do you just not know that it's on there? I'm not going to show you how to do it. As a seasoned blogger, you should already know how to turn it off. Would it be rude to email someone asking them to turn it off? There have been so many times I've went to comment on a blog, and I end up not doing it because of that stupid thing. It's so annoying and it just needs to go away. For those of you who have this activated: why? What is the reason (honestly though, I'm very curious) ?

2. Teeny tiney microscopic font. Oh, I'm sorry, can you not read that? If you don't have 20/20 perfect vision, that little blurb says "TEENY TINEY MICROSCOPIC FONT". People, I don't have perfect vision, and my computer screen is about 2 1/2 feet away from me. I can't read your posts if you use size 8 Arial font. Please increase your font sizes!
3. "Older Posts" and "New Posts" links open up a whole new browser page/tab. I know what you're doing. You are trying to increase your page views. You aren't getting by on ME! This is super annoying. If I wanted to have your page open in another browser/tab, I would right click, and click on "Open In New Reading Tab". But for you to specifically set up those links to automatically open a new tab, that's just wrong and ANNOYING.
4. Sharing stupid shit that you would never buy in a ZILLION years [For the record, that's NEVER]. Example of this: sharing organic face wash. REALLY? What the hell happened to using good old Neutrogena Face Wash. COME ON. Or, how about this one: don't share how you are eating pizza bagel bites every fucking night of the week (because we know you are getting compensated to do so.) You are making me think you are a lazy fatass. (That's someone who's fat and doesn't want to cook, ever). Was that rude of me? I don't care.
*Please note, this is not in ANY FORM jealousy of those who do sponsored posts (that I obviously don't have the opportunity to do). But making me look at your pizza bagel bites for the 8,000 time this week is a little overkill.
5. Apologizing for being absent. (I'm guilty of this). We all need to stop. Think about it, when your favorite blogger hasn't blogged for quite sometime, and then they randomly show up and churn out 5 posts in a row...are you pissed?? NO!! You're HAPPY they are back! So let's stop apologizing.
6. Don't be a copycat! I can't tell you how much my blood boils when I see nearly identical posts from two different people. So why read then? I normally don't. I read a really clever (what I now know was sponsored) post the other day and I genuinely liked it, and it made me want to get the product. I randomly stumbled across a blog that had almost the exact post, but obviously with their own pictures/wording. I guess this is more of a complaint to the companies reaching out to too many bloggers to promote the same product.
7. REALLY HUGE BLOG BUTTONS. We got really serious for the last couple of points, so bringing it back down to good old fashioned complaining. I really don't want a blog button bigger than 200px wide on my side bar. If you have a blog button that is larger than 200px I'm just letting you know now, that I will resize it regardless if you tell me I can/can't.
8. Hideous Fonts.
Sarah has provided us with an awesome post on
fonts that go well together. Let's keep Comic Sans back with our AIM Away Messages from 1999. Thanks.
9. Having a picture in your post, with a "source" link beneath it, that leads me to the jpeg of the image on your photobucket account. People. I didn't click on the link to see this on your photobucket page, I wanted to see where the hell you found this item you're sharing with us. Is this an active item that is being sold in stores right now? Or was this simply an image on page 17 of 300 results from a google image search?
10. Plastic. Like mean girls plastic. I know your life isn't as pretty as you show us on your blog.
I want to hear your real voice sometimes, even if it means spilling the secret that your husband and you argue over who does the dishes, or the pile of laundry you have on the other side of the room when you do a photo-shoot. Or that sometimes, you really do rely on those
bagel bites for dinner because you have NO idea what the hell to cook for the 700th night in a row. I want to hear the real
YOU! When you constantly share perfect images and outfits on your blog, my opinion of you changes...I start to feel that I can't relate to you anymore. BE YOURSELF!
(p.s.) I made this, how cute, right? By the way, that photo (found on pinterest) was the inspiration behind my new blog look!
Anyway, hope I didn't offend anyone too much, but #sorrynotsorry! (oh, that's another pet peeve too).