July 15, 2013

thank goodness for the weekend update link up!

oh Monday.  I really dislike you!! Every Sunday night, no matter what I do, I can NEVER sleep.  It's quite irritating.  I like to believe that I'm the only one that suffers from this problem so then it makes my complaining about it less annoying the following day.  You are reading this probably saying 'get over it'.  I know I should, i mean really - it's 3:30 in the afternoon, but in reality, this is what i look like right now:

haha. no. oh no. I wish I was enthused as good old LC was in that gif. so anyway, we got over the fact that it's Monday, so maybe it is about time to move forward to my weekend recap.

It was a weekend full of raging parties.  Saturday night was my best friend's husband's 30th surprise party.  Except it really wasn't much of a surprise at all.  I believe the tent, tables and chairs that were delivered Thursday gave it away. It poured by the way. I got that dress at Target. I LOVE it so much.  It was on the clearance rack for $19.98. If you ask me- that isn't much of a "clearance". But nothing I had in my closet was sitting well on me so I decided last minute on the drive up to stop there and change in the car. What? Don't act like you haven't done that before.  Sunday, I attended a 2 year old birthday party. You know how those parties go.  Tons of toddlers, food, and booze. I love a good summer shandy on a hot summer's day.  . So--do you think i liked sporting my hair like that on a daily basis? No thank you. 

I thought this picture was too cute to pass up.  I love Saturday mornings. Coffee and reading, or catching up on my social media from Friday night.  Do you see that cat? The nerve of him sitting on my welcome table!  Obviously I was so pissed at him that I went straight to Petsmart and bought him and Peanut new collars.  His glows in the dark and it's pretty freaking awesome.  Lastly, a pic of my new running sneakers.  Mike threw my old pair out in the GARBAGE! Thanks hun!

I DID get a new purse this weekend too.  I think I'll save that for tomorrow.

Tonight is the dreaded personal trainer session at the gym.  I really hope I'm not doing squats in the middle of the aisle like half the people I've seen recently.  And you know what sucks majorly? I didn't do my hair today and I have the most ridiculous bun in my hair. I have to shower and do a normal pony tail or else I'll look like the girl who tried to get all gussied up for the trainer. UGH.

Oh. Stay cool people. It's seriously hot out there!!

Sami's Shenanigans

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