July 10, 2014

Isabella Rose

I really don't like to blog on Thursdays.

But I feel like I've done so well in class this week, coming back on time (for the most part), and doing my assignments that I owe it to you all to be here on this day too. Lucky for me, I have inspiration for today's post and it's called: babies.

A specific baby: Isabella Rose

Oh you know, it's only been almost 3 weeks since she was born, but would you believe I haven't seen her since then!! I know, this is just as shocking to me, as it is to you.  As you know, her momma is my BFFL and I talk to her on a daily basis, sometimes hourly.  I swear we can't go more than 2 hours without texting each other something totally ridiculous, like ugly ass nail polish colors, someone's hideous outfit on instagram, or even just advice on hair products.

But yesterday evening, I had the chance to take my mom over to visit Bella, and her mom and dad.  She was wide awake when we got there, I was so excited. She is still SO little, weighing 6 lbs. 3 oz. Her legs are little chicken legs and so precious, her tiny feet and hands are perfect. She is a little miracle!

I faced my fears and held her again.  I don't know that I've really mentioned it before here, but I just really don't like holding babies. Mostly for the fact that I'm scared they will break. Or something crazy will happen. Rachel and my mom forced me to hold her and I was so happy I did.  I did hold her in the hospital, you would think I would have been more nervous then, but she was all swaddled up and this time she was just free, able to move her arms and legs. So scary! But so so amazing. She really is truly amazing.

She clearly has already developed personality traits from her daddy. He LOVES soccer and she apparently does too!

If that face doesn't put a smile on your face, I don't know what else can today!


  1. She is so sweet. I also have a major fear of holding babies!

  2. aw so sweet! what a cutie. i have gotten better over the years, but new babies are always so scary to hold, they have no control and move so much i feel like i am going to break them.

  3. Awww, little Isabella is so cute! She's so little!

  4. So so sweet and tiny. I love babies haha
