June 30, 2014

The 15 stages of bidding on Ebay (with gifs)

So basically, I love ebay. It all started off with a day like this:

Me today at work:

So what to do then? Go on ebay and browse for shit I don't actually need. Example: Kate Spade (really? again with the KS? I'm obsessed...I know.) Wellesley Planner.

First: Search for the best deals on the newest planners.

Preferably "ending soonest" (because you know that you needed that planner like yesterday) or "Price + Shipping lowest first". It can be tricky sorting this way, because your likely to find a seller who just listed item, and it's on for 45 days. See HERE for example.

2. You think you've actually come across a really great deal and are so excited:

3. So you decide, I'm bidding on this because it allows me to give my best offer:

4. But then you start to stalk the listing seeing that there are now "11 people watching" and "6 other offers" on item:

5. You decide to write a very sophisticated note to the seller asking intelligent questions while secretly hoping they think you are the best suitor for the princess planner.

6. All this stalking of the listing is wiping you out, so it's best to close all forms of ebay (you know it's open on your work computer, ipad. home computer AND phone). But THEN you get a NOTIFICATION:

But it's just to let you know that:

7. Your "Best Offer Bid" gets counter-offered. At first you react like this:
8. Then this:

9. So now you've decided you're going to counter-back with a new offer:

10. Afterwards, when it's declined:

11. Now you feel like an ass, because that's twice the seller has decided that your monies aren't good enough for her USED Kate Spade Planner, that quite possibly has a defect because the other one's were too expensive, and had about eleventy hundred bids on them.  Do you purchase it at her first counter offer? Or forget about it?

12. 3 days hours go by and you decide that you NEED this planner, and your life depends on it literally. Because you are such a planner, and are convinced that if you own a Kate Spade planner, everything in your life will go according to schedule (as planned).

13. Even though you are now buying the planner at $45 dollars more than what you wanted to spend, and the original counter-offer of the seller...

14. But now, you've received the notification that the SELLER HAS ACCEPTED "YOUR" OFFER!

15. The planner is yours.  You get the tracking, receive it three days later, and use it religiously for 2 weeks.  Then a holiday rolls around, and you lose all your motivation for scheduling. And then it ends up in your purse that you used two weeks ago, and that's been shoved away in the closet.

So. What do you think? Pretty accurate?


  1. Bahahah this is hilarious!
    This is why I don't use ebay. I know it would make me crazy...especially if I'm bidding on Kate Spade.

  2. Love this, it cracked me up bahahaha the first gif is so me btw!

  3. I've actually never bid on eBay before! I doubt I'd get much sleep or much work done if I ever decided to... I'd be STALKING whatever it was! hahaa

  4. I've actually only used the buy now option on Ebay, and I've only used it twice in my entire life. I have heard horror stories on ebay and I usually stray away from it lol.

  5. OMG you're so funny! I have only ever bought one thing on eBay (but sell constantly lol) and the burberry bag I bought I was pretty lucky NWT and in the dust bag - the bag was no longer being sold and was my dream - so I had to have it! Contacted the seller 3 weeks before buying and she would sell for the price I wanted so I waited and she finally did an auction and bam got it for $400 less than what I offered!! Just shows you patience will win - sometimes lol!

  6. what the, my comment disappeared RUDE blogger.
    i love this post - hilarious! replace 'planner' with 'clothes' and thats me. i go through phases where i have zero things in my watch list and i dont visit ebay every hour, and then i have the phase where i have so many things in my watchlist that i get a notification that 'you are a shopaholic, stop adding shit to your watchlist it's full' (or something like that) i mean who even knew the watchlist could get full?! right now i am at the zero things in my watchlist so hopefully it stays that way.

  7. Bahah! This is hilarious! I have literally only bid on something once on ebay (and lost I might add) but this seems totally accurate!

  8. bahahahaha this is perfection! Girl I am right there with you except I would not know where I would drive to everyday if I don't glance at that handy thing.....I think we need pictures!

  9. So funny!

    I rarely win anything I bid on on eBay. It can be frustrating and I curse a lot.

  10. I'm rolling! This is hilarious! Bc it's happens to me almost every time too. I was stalking ebay for planners too, but thought it was too much work and ended up getting one off of amazon instead. lol

  11. Lol - yes! Exactly why I try to use amazon over ebay!
