Shopping Haul? What? I thought I was on a spending freeze? You are probably shaking your head at this very moment muttering the words "Ok, this girl is totally ridiculous, how many times is she going to show us what she bought and keep saying she's done spending?" Yes, I know, because I'm muttering those same words in my head. But I promise you, I really only spent $15 of my own money, and the rest was covered by none other than Ms. Bossypants!
Remember I told you all she got me a
gift card for Christmas last year? And it was to the mall that was completely out of my way, that I would have to pay a toll for? Well, I still didn't want to travel up north to go shopping in a snooty mall - - you literally have to DRESS UP to go shopping there, I don't have time for that.
So anyway, here is my haul, I'm so excited!
NINE pieces for a grand total of: $215.00, and I only paid $15 out of pocket! WOO-HOO!!!
finally bought clothes for hanging out versus for work. Well, actually I can wear all to work but the basic cottons in the middle. Mike is always yelling at me saying that I buy for work way too often and I always complain how I don't have "hanging out clothes". Well, now, I have them! I have a cute pair of
Target Booties (or
these) from last year that I got for just under $10 when the season was over, so I'm really going to be sporting that
California Style from now on! I was SO CLOSE to buying a black leather jacket but of course, I am not supposed to shop so I put it back! Yay!
HOWEVER, I did wander into DSW and found these adorable
Tahari Carly Ballet Flats. I REALLY need new black flats (my other Ninewest ones, thesoles unattached from the shoe! So it had a mouth my my toes!).
Retail: $98.00, DSW: $50;00 Actual Paid: $13.88.
THIRTEEN DOLLARS AND EIGHTY EIGHT CENTS PEOPLE. They were in the clearance section, for 80% off!!!! Really, how could I not get them. They were there for me to buy! Haha, oh my god, I really feel like I need to go to Shopaholics Anonymous.
We got our last piece of our bedroom set Sunday afternoon! I'm so thrilled that we finally have so much storage space, and our closet will not look so cluttered anymore! My bedroom will be a post soon. My hopes are to take photos this upcoming weekend, with the natural light so you all can see the coloring as I see it, and it gives me time to get some things organized.
So here's my dilemma. Regardless of my shopping freeze, I need to purchase a pair of brown (cognac) boots. Two winters ago, I bought these really cute Call It Spring riding boots from JCPenney's for a good deal, but after the winters we've had, they haven't held up. They also were not "real" leather, so the material didn't exactly mesh well with my feet (if you know what I mean. ew). I actually did toss these after this past winter was over. I have a pair of dark brown riding boots from Target, that I got on clearance the same time I bought the ones I linked up to above. I've gone to the stores and for some reason I am just not seeing a major selection of cognac riding boots, AT ALL. To me it's looking like dark brown, and black (obviously) are this season's new thing. So, where can I get some boots? I have already checked Target, Nordstroms, and DSW as well as Marshall's. My second issue that a lot of these boots are VERY loose near my ankles. I'm not thinking that I have an exceptionally small ankle, but I think these boots are just exceptionally larger than normal. Frustrating.
So, do I keep the (dark) brown riding boots, and get cognac booties (more of a selection). Or wait it out and see if any more are released in the stores? Also, fashionistas, do people wear booties in the winter or is this more of a Fall thing only?
Happy FIVE day work week!
Is this too much to ask?!?! |
Oh, P.S. I'm boycotting Old Navy. I'm so sick of their stupid shenanigans. Remember the cute blush pink infinity scarf I shared in my collage the other day? Seriously online it is ten dollars. In the store, (i returned that gray plaid shirt) I went to get it and they wanted $16.94. HELL NO. This is not the first or second item that I've seen online, went to the store to get and it was higher priced either! Stupid Old Navy!