Call me the Halloween Grinch, or Devil to be more appropriate. But I don't hand out Halloween Candy to trick or treaters.
First and foremost. There are rules when Trick or Treating and they are pretty easy. 5 Simple words. "TRICK OR TREAT" and "THANK YOU!" Any brat that doesn't say that to me, I have said in the past, withholding the candy, "What do you say???" and then they would mumble "trick or treat". I'm sorry you little rotten child, I'm giving you FREE candy, and all you have to do is say those 3 simple words, along with a THANK YOU at the end. How HARD is that to do?
The very first year I offered to come to Michael's house to hand out Halloween Candy. He wouldn't be home from work and I could make it down to the house for the early afternoon crowd. I was a very naive, gungho girl, handing out candy at my boyfriends HOUSE. Like, this was really really cool. I got a box of chip bags (those wise boxes that have doritoes and all those things). We probably had half of the box left over, aka barely any kids. And the kids that did come just stood there with their bags/pillowcase/candy sacks out looking for me to throw the candy in, without asking! Little runts.
The following year, I had just moved in and we decided to get the big Candy Bars you can buy at Costco/BJ's and for you people who don't know what those stores are, they are "buy in bulk" warehouse where you can get a zillion of everything for a good price. Costco was offering a coupon if you bought two boxes of the big candy bars you'd get so many dollars off, so I got two of them. As a kid, there was one house that gave these out each year, and I couldn't wait to go there because I was excited for a huge candy bar. But anyway, maybe there were 30 bars or so in total? Well, we were SLAMMED with children AND OLD KIDS. Literally, every single bar I had was gone in about a half hour. I was pissed. I ran out to the store to get cheap candy. And that went too. What the hell?
My third Halloween at my current residence, those little teeny bopper punks pissed me off so much the year before that I said, "that's it. I'm getting the cheapest shit candy I can find because I hate this holiday and these brats and that's that". It was a crummy Halloween. I had ZERO KIDS.
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Me on November 1st with all my candy left over that I don't eat. |
The next year after that, Hurricane Sandy came and Halloween was non existent.
The year I decided to become a grinch. I felt horrible. However, I made sure to notify families that I would not be participating in Halloween with a single symbol. No porch light. People, you know of this rule right? No light = no candy. But that didn't stop those little punks from knocking, ringing, and peeking in my damn door and side window! I had to HIDE in my backroom. I ate pizza with Michael in the dark. He had to come through our house through the back entrance. It was terrible.
So why do I do it you ask? Well, call me old fashioned, but a little "thank you" goes a long way and honestly, i'm just not seeing it in kids these days. They aren't thankful for this holiday. They just see it as free candy. I guess I am asking too much because November is the "Be Thankful" month if we want to get all technical. Ugh.